Australian British Chamber of Commerce - The Digital Transformation of Government

Event date

Over the next three years the NSW government will bolster its digital-centric investment fund by $1.6 billion to accelerate IT projects and strengthen cyber security.

The Minister for Customer Service, The Hon Victor Dominello, said that digital government is no longer an end goal in itself, but a means to go further and deliver event better government services.

The NSW Government are leading on bricks and mortar infrastructure, and this historic investment will position them to develop a world leading cyber security industry and be a jobs hub for this critical multi-billion-dollar sector as well as improve the digital experience across agencies including education and health

During the webinar the Minister will outline further how this funding will allow more government services to be brought online via Service NSW, contribute to job creation and modernise government ICT infrastructure.

Since being elected to the NSW Parliament in October 2008, Dominello has served as the Minister for Finance, Services and Property in the first Berejiklian ministry between January 2017 and March 2019; as the Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation between April 2015 and January 2017 in the second Baird government; as the Minister for Citizenship, Communities and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs between 2011 and 2015, and the Minister for Veterans Affairs and Assistant Minister for Education between 2014 and 2015, in the O’Farrell and first Baird governments.