Creating a Step-Change in Cyber Security - Digital Security by Design (DSbD)

Event date

John Goodacre, Challenge Director for #ISCF, Digital Security by Design (DSbD) will provide an overview of “Creating a Step Change in Cyber Security” by introducing the programme aims to overcome the market failures and radically update the foundation of the insecure digital computing infrastructure that underpins the entire economy. John will share an insight into a new and secure computer hardware approach, proven in at least two major industrial markets, that will protect against at least half of known and associated future technological vulnerabilities.​

The improvements that DSbD will provide, have been blocked by the need to develop hardware and software simultaneously. To move both at the same time requires a revolution to the way these processes currently work rather than just an evolution of the current technology. This challenge pulls together the right strands to move the entire sector in the same direction and overcome this huge market barrier.

This webinar covers the key objectives and discusses the potential outcomes of the programme, to enable the success and delivery of the vision:- by demonstrating a more secure hardware platform capable of protecting the integrity and resilience of software, enabling more secure platforms, for services which make extensive use of secured, personal data and create investment in new scalable businesses, and accelerating the move towards digital transformation of industry, with the accompanying investment in productivity and improved reliability of digital services.

Running Order:

  • John Goodacre – DSbD Challenge Director, UKRI
  • Intro VT to Richard Grisenthwaite – SVP Chief Architect & Fellow of ARM on Morello Programme.
  • Intro VT to Paul Waller – Head of Research for NCSC Capability
  • Forthcoming DSbD Software Ecosystem Competition
  • Q & A
  • Closing with Signposted Links

Book your space on this webinar today.