Cyber Innovation Den

Cyber Innovation Den

Event date

Following the success of the first Cyber Innovation Den in 2019, this event will bring together colleagues from across the UK cyber sector, to discuss the key challenges facing the sector and opportunities for strengthening both the UK’s cyber resilience and innovation and growth within the growing sector.

Clearly, COVID-19 disruption has seen new or accelerated cyber threats emerge as the UK has learnt to increasingly live and work online. Organisations have rapidly had to deal with a multitude of challenges around home working and maintaining operational resilience and we’ve seen longstanding challenges accelerated overnight, with entrenched debates happening much quicker. The economic consequences also mean that the sector requires support, perhaps most critically for those smaller, innovative SMEs who are seeing a new investment landscape.

The first half of the techUK conference will feature senior speakers from government and industry exploring these challenges and discuss how the UK cyber sector can move forward, learning lessons from this period of disruption and building on the strengths the sector has developed over the past decade. The conference will begin with a keynote address delivered by a senior representative from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

The second half of the conference will once again feature the Cyber Innovation Den Pitching Competition. The competition will bring together ten of the most innovative cyber SMEs to pitch their products and services to a panel of expert judges from across the private and public sector. Further information about the competition can be found here.

Event details

Date: 9 July 2020

Location: Online, delegates will receive joining instructions the week before the event.

Timings: 10:00 - 12:00 - Keynote sessions

12:00 - 12:45 - Lunch break

12:45 - 13:40 - Panel

13:40 - 14:00 - Break

14:00 - 16:00 - Cyber Innovation Den Pitching Competition


techUK members - free

Non techUK members - £50+VAT

Public sector - please contact [email protected] to reserve a place.

Click here to book.