Cyber Security Insights: Exploring the UK and Canadian Markets

Event date

Michael Powell, UK Cyber Representative for North America, will lead an engaging discussion with government and industry experts, which will cover market developments and opportunities, as well as providing valuable insights on doing business in each market.

Agenda: 12:00 Introductory Remarks with Michael Powell, UK Cyber Representative

12:05 The UK Cyber Security Sector

  • Jeff Peel, DIT
  • Harry Rhys Davies, Tech Nation

12:25 The Canadian Cyber Security Sector

  • A representative from Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
  • Tyson Johnson, Cyber New Brunswick

12:45 Industry Perspectives

  • David Masson, Darktrace
  • Doug Chin and Marcus Janson, Herjavec Group

13:05 Q&A Session moderated by Michael Powell

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