Ransomware: Developing Trends, Managing Risk and Countering Threats

Event date

Tuesday 16 November (10.00-11.30)

Jeremy Fleming, Director, GCHQ recently announced a doubling of ransomware attacks over the last 12 months, so this techUK Cyber Security Programme briefing will explore the most recent trends across the ransomware landscape. Attendees will assess the growing threats including the threats from state actor, cyber-criminals, and the grey areas in between.

Ransomware as a service business model, in which malware tools and targets are sold online will also be explored. Attendees will hear from speakers on the methods used by threat actors and how we can recognise them. They will also detail the various tools which can help combat these threats from demonstrating how organisations can develop malware analysis in-house, building more security conscious cultures across the business and ensuring that cyber professional are able to effectively respond to inevitable breaches.

Speakers include:

David Emm, Principal Security Researcher, Kaspersky

Syam Thommandru, Associate Vice President - Strategic Partnerships, Product Management, HCL Technologies

Andrew Yeates, Solutions Architect, Reversing Labs

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