Remote Working: Cyber threats and protecting against them

Event date
Microsoft Teams

In the current climate, many organisations are opting to enable their employees to work remotely to avoid additional risks. However, while there are many benefits to working from home, there are a plethora of cyber related threats that need to be managed and mitigated. Once a device is taken outside of an organisation’s network infrastructure and connected to new networks and WiFi, the cyber risks broaden and increase.

To help organisations support employees working from home and understand the security challenges of remote workplaces, in this briefing Kaspersky will review potential cyber threats and give advice on how to avoid cyber threats while working from home.

In this webinar, Lee Rendell, Senior Pre-Sales Manager at Kaspersky will discuss the following topics:

• What threats can thwart remote workers
• Case studies: cyber-attacks faced by remote workers
• How to protect your data and set up a secure remote workplace

We hope to see you all there for what promises to an engaging and informative online event. Please click here to sign up.