Resilient Futures: Women in Cyber

Event date
ICC Wales

After the success of the 2024 conference, we return on 12th February 2025 at the ICC Wales to celebrate the work that women are doing in the cyber security sector, showcasing their talent across a breadth of different roles and demonstrating the importance of an inclusive workforce.

Sessions will include current cyber security threats and challenges, skills development, growing your network, and an interactive cyber security activity, suitable for all levels. Speakers include Sian John, MBE (CTO at NCC Group), Anna Webb, Head of Global Security Operations (Kocho), Dr Matilda Rhode (Dwr Cymru), Dr Nia Evans (PwC), Jo Dalton (Pen Test Partners), and a senior NCSC representative with the opening address from Rebecca Evans MS, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy & Planning, Welsh Government.

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