SASIG Cyber Security Skills Festival

Event date

As we all know, there is a huge skills shortage in cyber, the major contributor being a gap between the opportunities available and those seeking them. SASIG’s Cyber Security Skills Festival will bring together these two sides, while celebrating our industry and the fantastic schemes and programs already creating opportunity in cyber.

The first of a twice-yearly series of festivals, this event will consist of a jobs fair and a conference with content for both those seeking either jobs or development in cyber, and those in a position to take on and nurture new talent.

The conference agenda has something for everyone with a stake hold in cyber, with streams for senior members of the community to discuss how they can help close the skills gap, and for those looking for career development advice and demystification of the roles available in the industry.

And the jobs fair will host more than 50 organisations looking to fill their teams.

Who is the skills festival for?

  • Cyber security professionals
  • Industry leaders
  • School leavers
  • College / university students
  • Forces leavers
  • Other clever people

How will it work?

  • Online.
  • Bespoke platform designed specifically for recruitment activities.
  • Fully funded, therefore free for both participants and hirers allowing for a diverse and inclusive event.
  • Expected turn out - 50 hirers, 700 participants
Find out more and sign up for FREE