Bristol and Bath Cyber
Bristol & Bath Cyber is a community of cyber entrepreneurs, employers, practitioners, educators, investors and collaborators, from across the region who, collectively, make up the local cyber ecosystem.
We provide a platform for innovation and collaboration, with the goal of developing the Cyber ecosystem and driving economic growth. We do this by providing opportunities for businesses of all sizes to access events, business mentors, advisors and investors, and to exchange ideas and knowledge.
Our regular networking events bring together organisations from public and private sectors, and academia, offering the chance to share best practices and cyber knowledge across the community. It is our aim to promote the Bristol & Bath Cyber ecosystem through a range of initiatives that will help businesses form and grow in the region:
• Enable greater collaboration and interaction through the development of strong, trusted relationships.
• Work alongside schools and universities in the region to encourage interest in a career in cyber with the talent pool of the future. Developing initiatives to help build cyber talents and to shrink the regional cyber skills gap.
• Encourage innovation and knowledge sharing across the ecosystem.
• Promote Government initiatives to accelerate regional growth.
• Develop links across Cyber cluster networks to showcase the unique qualities of the Bristol & Bath Cyber ecosystem to a wider national and international market.
• Create opportunities for startups and scaleups to access a range of investment and funding streams. Assisting founders on their journey to become investor-ready and facilitating introductions to angel, seed, and venture capital investment.
• Raise awareness of the availability and scope of cyber skills in the region to the wider business community, by leveraging our access to the established technology and general business networks across the region.
• Exploit the commercial advantages of the ecosystem’s location, with its transport links to all the UK’s major economic centres and its status as one of the largest economic technology sectors in the UK.