Capture the Flag Cyber Cluster


“Hackathon”, “Cyber Challenge”, “Code Fest”, “Red Team vs Blue Team”, “Black-hatting”. These are all words that are very familiar to people who have been involved in competitive computer gaming, coding and hacking but they are relatively new to the ‘main stream’ and have really come to the fore along with the rise of the cyber threat and need for everyone to become more cyber-savvy.

For the un-initiated, these words may also conjure up some scary images of rooms full of very knowledgeable computer geeks with lots of experience of hacking, able to use their computers with as much ease as kids seem to use computer game controllers, who could undoubtedly run rings around anyone who would not be considered an “expert”.

This new cluster is designed to provide a welcoming environment for all abilities to come and learn about the techniques required for participating in CTFs, whether you are looking to just know more about how these competitions work, looking to enter your first event or are and experienced CTF participant, this new cluster is here to help.