Cyber Sectoral Analysis survey for 2021 is now live!


DCMS and Ipsos MORI’s cyber sector surveys: an overview

DCMS has asked Ipsos MORI to carry out two surveys of UK cyber sector businesses in the UK in 2021. These help the government understand, support and promote the cyber security sector.

These surveys will take place by telephone and online, if you request a link to be emailed to you.

This is a repeat of the surveys carried out in 2020, which you may have taken part in. Both surveys were published on GOV.UK.

The first survey runs from June to July. It is about understanding your business, your customers, whether you export and any barriers to growth you face.

The second survey runs from August to September. It is about understanding your skills needs, and training and recruitment approaches.

Please note that participation is confidential. DCMS will not know who takes part; and will use the anonymised survey results to help develop policies that affect the UK cyber security sector.

How you can help

This is mainly a telephone survey, but the chance to take part online will be offered, if that’s easier.

Each survey typically takes 12 minutes to complete.

If you want to take part, you can send an email to [email protected] to arrange a call back.

Alternatively, DCMS/Ipsos MORI will be emailing and/or calling cyber sector businesses from June to September from the Edinburgh call centre.

Visit the survey website for more information