Japan – Supply Chain Cyber Security Virtual Pitch Event Call for Applications
Date of event: 25 March 2021, 08:00-09:30 (UK time) / 17:00-18:30 (Japan time)
Deadline to apply to pitch: Monday, 22 February 2021
The British Embassy Tokyo is hosting a Supply Chain Cyber Security Virtual Pitch Event on 25 March and is calling for applications from UK cyber security firms with a strong capability in this area who are interested in participating.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has seen increasing and more sophisticated cybercrimes targeted at supply chains. Japan is no exception, with leading firms in the automotive and defence industries among others falling as victims to cyber attacks that have disrupted supply chains. Interest in solutions to this challenge has increased, prompting a cross-industry initiative to address this critical threat to business.
This event, together with the UK-Japan Supply Chain Cyber Security Webinar on 23 March, will be part of the Partnering with Japan – Spring ’21 Free Trade Agreement series which aims to promote the UK-Japan industry partnership under the recently signed Free Trade Agreement. The pitch session will provide an opportunity for UK cyber security companies to introduce their innovative technology and solutions to a Japanese industry audience and to explore business opportunities in Japan.
This event is free of charge; there are 6 places available; and accepted applicants will be notified by 26 February.
What to expect from the opportunity:
- Opportunity to pitch to a business audience in Japan (via a recorded pitch for 5 mins, provided prior to the event) and to engage with them via a live Q&A session.
- Contact details where agreed with Japanese audience.
- Promotion to local traditional and social media.
- Company info translated and published on the event website.
Eligibility to apply for the opportunity:
- UK-registered company.
- You have a compelling offer to address issues/challenges in supply chain cyber security such as OT security, IoT Security, supplier IT security management, global IT security governance, hardware embedded technology etc.
- You have been trading in the supply chain cyber security sector for a minimum of two years.
- You have products/services ready to trade (i.e. not under development or concepts).
Interested? Apply today!
For enquiries, please contact atsuko.kikuchi@fcdo.gov.uk.